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What is IMEI number in mobile?


 Any phone you get in the whole world, whether it is cheap or whether it is expensive, has its IMEI number. Mobile is identified by this number. Any mobile, irrespective of any brand, cannot run without an IMEI number. So in today's article, we will learn about the IMEI number itself and how can we know what the IMEI number of our mobile is .

What is an IMEI number?

IMEI number has full form in English INTERNATIONAL MOBILE EQUIIPMENT
Hindi it means " International Mobile Device Identification ". It is a kind of mobile identification. Which is a 15 digit number and it is in every type of mobile and it is a unique number. Whatever device is in the mobile is identified by this number.

Advantages of IMEI number

• If your phone is stolen, with the help of IMEI number it can be detected where your phone is.
• With the help of IMEI number you can find the location of the phone.
• With the help of IMEI number you can track the phone.
• Even from IMEI number it can be found out which SIM the user is using and what is his number.

How to check IMEI number of our mobile.

Although there is a lot of way to check your mobile's IMEI number, but the easiest and best way is to dial in your mobile's dialer pad * # 06 # As soon as you dial it in your mobile, you will get the screen of your mobile. But a 15 digit number will appear, this is the IMEI number of your mobile.

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